How Long Do Clownfish Live?

Clownfish are famous pets and the question about its age is common for those who have spent a lot of time with their clownfish pet. This article may be helpful for you if you have a question about “ how long do clownfish live”?

The average lifespan of clownfish:

Clownfish typically can live up to fifteen years in captivity. They live over 20 years in rare cases. Its lifespan depends upon its diet, lifestyle, and care.

Many factors influence the lifespan of clownfish.

In the wild, their lifespan is not clear because many predators prey on clownfish, and scarcity of food also affects their age. 

Factors that affects clownfish life expectancy:

Each clownfish has a different lifespan due to its lifestyle and environment. Some die at an early age and some live longer.

Some things affect your clownfish’s lifespan.


Diet is the important factor that influences the clownfish’s health. A healthy diet maintains overall health and increases life duration. So you should make sure that the diet you feed your clown is best and that you give it to them periodically. 


Genetics is the main factor that also plays a role in the overall health of the clownfish. Some designed types of clownfish are present in the aquariums. But these artificially designed fishes are not able to live longer as compared to natural ones. So before purchasing the clownfish, you should check that it is designed by a skillful breeder.


The poor environment is the common cause of the little lifespan of the clownfish. The tank size and the water quality of a tank can be a major problem. Smaller tanks can create poor living conditions for clownfish. You should have a 30-gallon large tank to start. 

What type of tank setup does clownfish need?

It may be a challenge for you to set up a new tank. You should provide an area for the fish to bury and for survival. You should decorate the reef of the tank, it will be good for them. But keep in mind that don’t fill the tank with too many items because clownfish are independent and like a big area to swim. So you should choose an average-sized tank to provide better living conditions. Here you can also read about How Long Does A Starfish Live?

How to extend the lifespan of the clownfish?

Clownfish require proper care and maintenance. Until you hold them in a tank, they completely depend on you. In short, their lifespan depends on the care you provide them. 

If you adopt these measures, your clownfish will live longer than normal. 

Use the right heater in the tank| How Long Do Clownfish Live?

The optimum temperature for your clownfish is about 74 to 79 degrees. This temperature cannot be achieved without a heater. 

Clownfishes do not like too much cold and hot water conditions and changes in the wild temperature. In this situation, Clownfish feel uncomfortable and sometimes fail to reproduce.

Choose the right location

You should keep the tank in a peaceful place. Keep your clownfish away from the human rush and radiators, and air conditioners. Because they may cause the temperature to change. 

High traffic of the human may be under stress for your clownfish, So keep it in a calm environment. 

Consider the number of clownfish

Clownfish are dependent and mostly show aggressive behavior when more clownfish are added to their tank. At the start, you should keep only two clownfish in a single tank. They will mate and reproduce new ones. You can keep five fish in the tank to avoid harassment of other clownfish. 

You should adjust the number of clownfish according to your tank size. Avoid making a crowd of fish in a tank because the possibility of violence may increase. It also becomes difficult to keep the tank clean. 

Keep the water consistency clean

The health of your clownfish depends on the cleanliness of the water in a tank. You must clean and extract all the wastes from the tank regularly. Dirty water can cause disease in a clownfish that affects its lifespan. If you see any sickness such as bloating and discoloration, you must take action immediately. Water dog fish and lizard fish will also be the interesting topic for you

Conclusion: How Long Do Clownfish Live?

The average lifespan of the clownfish is 6-10 years. Their lifespan may be different for each clownfish which depends on their owners. 

Proper care and diet is the only thing that can increase the lifespan of your clownfish. But if you do your best and everything is right, and then you feel illness and any other symptom in your clownfish then you have purchased a sick clownfish from the pet store