Hairless Horse |Care Guide And Species Profile

Yes you hear right Hairless horse. Some horses don’t even have hair, which may surprise you. Perhaps some of you are oblivious of their presence. If you haven’t heard about hairless horse or donkey or other species, we’ll start by letting you know that they exist.

What’s the reason behind hairless horse?

Even though researchers have found the tail of a hairless horse, they are still looking for additional evidence. Researchers have found a change in a gene that causes foals of the Turkmen horse breed to be born bald. This mutation was revealed in foals of the breed. There are stories about horses with scaly skin and no hair on their bodies. The term “Naked Foal Syndrome” was developed by researchers to describe this condition.

What is the age of the hairless horse?

Even though a species that has a horsetail but no hair on it can be found in the wild, scientific studies have only documented this phenomenon sporadically. There is a widespread misconception that the lifespan of a hairless horse can range anywhere from a few weeks to several years.

There is no conclusive explanation for why this illness manifests itself. The fact of the matter is, despite the widespread belief that autosomal recessive disease was the cause of death for these horses, this was not the case. You can read the interesting facts about happa dog here.

What was the first record of a hairless horse?

Yes, hairless horsetail animals have been sighted by humans. The first time this occurred was in 1938. Since then, numerous hairless horses have been discovered around the globe. You can read the interesting article about African tiger here.

Have hairless horse ever survived and thrived well?

Undoubtedly, this is a very interesting topic, and the fact that they are still in use provides strong evidence that they serve a function; hence, greater research into their function is required. A horse was born this year with no hair on its body. It was in March. It appeared to be increasing gradually over the first two years. The horse’s head and neck were completely bald, in contrast to the thin coat that covered the rest of its body. Scaly and dry patches of skin covered the horse’s body, and the animal lacked eyelashes. As a consequence of this, the species in question was unique.

Why are hairless horse popular?

Hairless horses are in high demand because of their distinct appearance and traits. When it comes to sports tournaments, these horses are extremely valuable. These are commonly employed in sports like jumping and running. For example, at the summer Olympic Games in Rome, an Akhal-Teke stallion won the Grand Prix de Dressage. The 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo saw an animal with no hair win a bronze medal. That hairless beings exist and are widely accepted may now be established by this piece of evidence.

Hairless Horse

What are the breed characteristics of hairless horse?

Without hairs, these horses are about 58 to 64 inches tall. Many of these horses don’t have hair, but their skin has a natural sheen that makes it look bright and shiny. Based on their age and gender, a group of judges also chooses which horses will compete in national and international sports events.

Where were hairless horses first reported?

Akhal Teke horses in Turkmenistan are bald due to an uncommon disease. They were found to have scaly skin and no hair when they were born. They have also recently given birth to these hairless horses.

When have hairless species of horse taken birth recently?

In 2016, a hairless horse was born for the final time. This horse’s skin and hair pattern were very comparable to those of the first hairless horse ever born.

Because of recognized health issues such as heart abnormalities and lymphoid organ malfunctions, this horse was not recommended for breeding because of these issues.

Hairless horse species don’t survive long because of a genetic ailment that runs in the family. They are wonderful to look at, however, and the horses that have been located so far are known and adored around the world because of their distinct appearance.

Do hairless horse exist in history?

A lot of stories and tall tales have been told about these horses throughout history. Around the turn of the 20th century, it is speculated that the Southern Sea Islands were visited by a herd of hairless horses. People revered these monsters and worshiped them as deities out of respect for the power that they possessed. In the past, Native Americans would seek the blessings of these horses for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.

It is believed that Japanese nationals traveled to Korea and brought these with them when they visited Japan during a period spanning more than three centuries. As a result of the extinction of their entire race, their species went extinct, and with it, their entire species.

Why is the horse losing the hair on his tail?

Thinning Tails And Hair Loss

Stroking the tail is the most common cause of bald spots. They can also be caused by a large tick population or a serious fungal infection. Hair loss that is spotty or uneven can be caused by another horse nibbling on its tail.

Is there a difference in horses in AC Valhalla?

Each horse that you can buy is an aesthetic upgrade only; they all have the same amount of health and can travel at the same rate.

What breed is a hairless horse?

Researchers in Central Asia are looking into the ways in which the DNA of horses is affected by an uncommon condition known as “hairless horses.” Researchers have identified the gene mutation in Turkmenistan’s Akhal-Teke horses that is responsible for a peculiar condition that results in foals being born with almost no hair and skin that is scaled.

What is a bald horse?

Melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigmentation, are inhibited in a balding scalp. A horse’s face is devoid of color when it is born. Paint and Pinto horses are the most likely to contract the disease, although it can affect other breeds as well. The majority of the time, one or both of these horses’ eyes will be blue. Fortunately, this isn’t a common occurrence.

Hairless Horse

Causes of Hairlessness in Horses

Naked Foal Syndrome

Two Akhal-Teke foals born without hair were the subject of a recent inquiry. Naked Foal Syndrome was found in both of the foals, according to the researchers (NFS).

According to the article, Akhal-Teke horses are susceptible to NFS, a hereditary skin disorder. Hair loss and rough skin are common symptoms in horses infected with the disease.

Unfortunately, both of the study’s hairless foals died between the ages of a few weeks and three years, which cast doubt on the validity of the findings. NFS was not shown to be a direct cause of the premature deaths investigated by the researchers.

Participants in the study consisted of 75 healthy horses, two foals that were infected with the disease, and two foals who were carriers of the disease. Based on these observations, the researchers believe that genetic testing could be devised to avoid the birth of any future hairless foals by accident. These results were presented at a conference in 2017 and published in the peer-reviewed journal G3: Genes, Genomics, and Genetics.

Hot Weather

The complete balding of horses due to heat stress is not nearly as common in NFS as it is in other parts of the world. It has been found that horses lose hair from their faces and names when living in settings that are hot and dry. The great news is that the horse’s health will be unaffected by this situation. At the end of the winter season, horses will shed their thick winter coats and replace them with a summer coat that is significantly lighter in weight. Molting is the process through which horses lose their winter coat and expose their summer coat. But you shouldn’t worry about it because your hair will grow back quickly.

Skin Infections

Diseases of the skin are another potential cause of hair loss in horses. In most cases, the culprits are various parasites, including ringworm. In extremely unusual circumstances, temporary hair loss can develop into permanent baldness because of a skin illness.


Itching can be quite agonizing for the horse during the summer when the environment it lives in is infested with insects that bite. Horse owners frequently find bald spots on their horses’ manes and tails as a result of their animals rubbing against a fence or a tree. These bald spots are caused when the horses’ manes and tails rub against the object.

Despite the inconvenient nature of the situation, there are remedies available for both humans and horses. There are now effective anti-itch and mosquito repellent products available at equestrian and country stores. These products work wonders on horses. The use of fly masks and carpets, on the other hand, is an effective method of protecting oneself from annoying insects.

Selenium Toxicity

A horse can die from selenium poisoning if there is an excessive amount of the element in the soil. A horse that has been poisoned with selenium may experience long-lasting symptoms, including the loss of its mane and tail, damage to its hooves, lameness, and excessive salivation. In the most severe of situations, the potential implications include respiratory failure and ultimately death. One of the reasons why the grass and soil on the horse’s field need to be analyzed is because selenium toxicity can occur there.

You should always send a sample of the new food your horse is eating to a lab to ensure that it is consuming a nutritionally balanced diet. As was previously said, some breeds, like the Akhal-Teke, are more prone to hair loss than others. Among these breeds is the Akhal-Teke. Because of a gene found in its genome, the American Bashkir Curly is predisposed to shedding its mane and tail. During the summer, the skin of some of these horses will become patchy and hairless in certain areas.

When Was the First Hairless Horse Born?

In the late 1800s, the first hairless horse was introduced to the public. While traveling through South Africa in the 1860s, a merchant named Lashmar came across a horse with no hair on its body. One of the first stories of hairless horses, according to Horse Network, was that of Lashmar. In 1868, he published his findings in the journal “Land and Water.” Lashmar reportedly described the horse as having India-rubber skin and no hair follicles in the report. There was a time when hairless horses became a popular tourist attraction.

The first documented sighting of a hairless horse was in 1938. This event sparked a worldwide search for hairless horses. Foals born in 2014 and 2016 were examined as part of the 2017 NFS investigation. Because many affected foals die or are born in poor health, they aren’t reported to breed registries, according to researchers. As a result of this, there may be more horses with harmful genes than we are aware of.

Can You Ride a Hairless Horse?

It makes sense to think that the coat of the horse has something to do with how soft the saddle is. So, how is it to ride a horse that doesn’t have a mane? Even though most hairless horses die before they can be ridden, there have been some notable exceptions in the past. 

In 1872, the South Australian Advertiser said something very different. The legendary hairless horse Caoutchouc was described as “a smart, cobby-looking horse that is good in the saddle and goes with a lady.” Caoutchouc used the fact that he “jumped superbly” in a steeplechase as part of his sales pitch.

How Long Do Hairless Horses Live?

It’s not uncommon for horses with no hair to die early in life. This has all happened.

According to research, all hairless horses perished between the ages of a few weeks and three years, according to the scientists who studied them.

It’s not clear whether NFS is lethal, even though none of the horses with it lived to adulthood in the 2017 study. “We don’t know why Naked Foal Syndrome foals live so short lives,” the researchers said. Even though none of the affected foals lived more than three years, there was a wide range of survival rates among the affected individuals. As young as a few weeks old, some foals died, while others lasted at least two years of their lives.

Consider how exposed a horse without a coat is to the weather. They are more susceptible to sunburns, skin infections, and skin cancer because they lack a coat. Another possible cause of premature death is a horse’s coat condition, which may be exacerbated by digestive issues.

Hairless Horses:

Harry, The Hairless Percheron Horse Most horses don’t like being bald, but there’s always one that doesn’t mind. A report from 2010 says that Harry is a Percheron horse with no hair who made it to adulthood without any major health problems. Even so, Harry’s situation is unique. He doesn’t have NFS, and his hair follicles are still whole.

They are simply ineffective in their roles. Nobody, not even the doctors at the animal hospital or the scientists at the university, has been able to find out what’s wrong with Harry. He was born with clumps of hair around him, and he started going bald while he was still in the womb. Harry has a small mane and a few small spots of hair here and there, but he is mostly bald.

Harry has been healthy for most of his life, except for small problems like sunburn, windburn, fungus infections, and bug bites. Harry’s owner stopped riding him when he got EPSM, a disease that affects draught horses. He is now a friend’s horse and lives a quiet life.

There Is Now A Genetic Test For Foal Syndrome

A genetic test for NFS has been developed by experts from around the world based on findings from the 2017 study.

At one point in time, researchers referred to this condition as an “autosomal recessive characteristic.” The harmful gene does not affect a horse that only has one copy of it. There is a 25% possibility that the disease will be passed on to a foal if two “carriers” mate.

Scientists could now determine whether a horse possessed a single copy of the harmful gene or two, thanks to the development of this new genetic test. To prevent foals from being born with NFS, breeders can now use the UC–Davis laboratory’s new test. This will benefit their horses in the long run.


According to the theory known as the Foal Syndrome, hairless horses may have been around long before 1938, which was the year that humans first encountered one.

Unfortunately, these species do not have a very long life expectancy. However, a hairless horse is just too cute to be put down at such an early age due to its condition. In the wild, breeds such as this one are quite uncommon. You might still get the chance to see them once in your life if you’re blessed.

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