Tiger Shark | Everything You Need To Know

Tiger sharks get their name from the unique stripes or spots on their bodies. These markings are gray with dark gray vertical bars or spots along the sides, while their underside is pale or white. The stripes are clearer on young tiger sharks, but they fade as the shark ages.

Even though tiger sharks are large and usually swim slowly, they are excellent hunters. They use surprise attacks to catch their prey, suddenly speeding up to grab it in a short burst.

Keep reading this article to learn what makes these ocean predators so amazing.

What Does a Tiger Shark Look Like?

What Does a Tiger Shark Look Like?

A tiger shark has a wide, flat head and a short snout smaller than its wide mouth. Its body is slender, and its tail fin is long and pointed. The shark’s teeth are strong and curved, with jagged edges and a deep notch on the outer side, perfect for catching prey.

Average Size: Tiger Shark

Adult tiger sharks can reach up to 18 feet for females and about 12 feet for males. However, when fully grown, most tiger sharks are usually less than 13 feet long.

Distribution and Habitat:


Tiger sharks are found in warm and temperate waters worldwide, except for the Mediterranean Sea. They are very flexible and can live in many places, from the deep open ocean to shallow waters near the shore. This makes them a wide-ranging species that can thrive in different environments.


Tiger sharks prefer murky waters along the coast, especially in places like river estuaries, harbors, and inlets where freshwater meets the ocean. These areas attract a lot of prey for them. You can also find them around large island chains, lagoons, and coral reefs. Even though they’re often seen near the surface, tiger sharks can dive as deep as 350 meters (about 1,085 feet).

Tiger shark migrate with the seasons. In warmer months, they move from tropical waters to cooler, temperate waters. When winter comes, they return to the tropics. They are strong swimmers and can travel great distances quickly, sometimes between islands or across large stretches of the ocean.

What Do Tiger Sharks Eat?

What Do Tiger Sharks Eat?

Tiger sharks are amazing scavengers and can eat almost anything. They have great eyesight and a strong sense of smell, which helps them find food easily. Their sharp, jagged teeth and strong jaws are powerful enough to break the hard shells of sea turtles and clams. Tiger sharks have been found with many things in their stomachs, including birds, sea snakes, seals, stingrays, squids, and strange items like license plates.

How Do Tiger Sharks Reproduce?

Tiger sharks have a unique way of reproducing. Like some other sharks, they give birth to live babies but don’t use a placenta to feed their developing embryos. Instead, the baby sharks start growing from large eggs inside the mother. Once the egg yolk is used up, the embryo gets its nutrients from a special fluid in the mother’s uterus, a process called “embryotroph.”

This type of reproduction, where the babies are born alive but aren’t fed through a placenta, is called ovoviviparity. The pregnancy lasts between 13 to 16 months, and a female can give birth to anywhere from 10 to 82 pups.

In the Northern Hemisphere, mating happens between March and May, and the pups are born between April and June next year. In the Southern Hemisphere, pups are believed to be born between November and January.

Conservation Status of Tiger Shark:

The number of tiger sharks caught by commercial and recreational fishing in the mid-Atlantic region has decreased since the mid-1980s. Observers on commercial fishing boats have noticed that fishing, especially targeting young tiger sharks, has hurt the population size.

The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has classified tiger sharks as “Near Threatened,” which means they are at risk but not in immediate danger of extinction. Protecting these amazing sharks is important to help their numbers grow again.

Fun Facts About Tiger Shark:

Fun Facts About Tiger Sharks
  1. Tiger shark can grow as long as 18 feet and weigh up to 2,000 pounds, making them one of the biggest types of sharks.
  2. They get their name from the cool gray vertical stripes or spots that cover their sides, just like a tiger.
  3. Tiger sharks are known for having a huge appetite. They eat almost anything, like other fish, rays, seabirds, sharks, dolphins, sea turtles, and crustaceans. Sometimes, they even have strange items in their stomachs, like metal pieces, plastic, burlap sacks, and other trash.
  4. Female tiger sharks can have anywhere from 10 to 82 embryos and usually birth about 30 to 35 pups.
  5. While tiger sharks love shallow coastal waters, they have also been spotted at depths of up to 1150 feet.


Tiger sharks are apex predators, which means they are at the top of the food chain. They are super important because their presence helps keep the populations of other marine animals in balance. With sharks, the entire ocean ecosystem could become balanced and healthy.

Sadly, many shark species are in danger of extinction because of overfishing and losing their homes. We need to protect these amazing creatures so they can continue to help our oceans thrive.