Mexican Black Kingsnake| Guide And Species Profile

Appearance of mexican black kingsnake

The Mexican black kingsnake, also known Western black and desert black kingsnake. They are considered to be the most famous snake to own as a pet because it is easy to care for and the patent-leather looks of its black scales.

The Mexican Black kingsnake is a type of common kingsnake and a very popular snake due to its beauty, fair size, and relatively docile behavior.  

Despite being popular, kingsnakes are not resistant to the venom of aboriginal Rattlesnakes, but they are immune to it. Furthermore, these kingsnakes are not certainly predators of poisonous snakes. They are active feeders and will ingest them when obtainable, but they do not pursue them out.

This article will explore the fascinating world of mexican black kingsnake, so keep on learning more details.

Appearance of mexican black kingsnake:

These captivating snakes are medium-sized, deep and black all around, both dorsally and ventrally. The lamella is wonderfully rainbowy under the rays, and if you observe it, you will see twinkles of rainbow colors.

Newborn snakes have yellow marks, but these disappear and are changed by the age. They have small elliptical heads that aren’t separate from the neck, tiny black eyes, and a skinny body.

How big do mexican black kingsnakes get?

A large Mexican Black Kingsnake female can reach up to 6 feet long, but the average is 3-4 feet. The males are smaller than the females.

Habits and Lifestyle:

Eastern kingsnakes are isolated and diurnal snakes. They spend the day hunting, touring, basking, or sleeping under leaf waste. During burning summer days, they may change their nocturnal habit.

These snakes reside on the earth but may swim in water and ascend trees if needed. During the cold, they hibernate in burrows or rock cracks, abandoned caves of other mammals, or open logs. Eastern kingsnakes can consume venomous snakes. They also created a hunting method in which they avoided being eaten by tying down on the jaws of the prey. In case they are bitten, they are resistant to the poison.

Eastern kingsnakes have different predators, and they have formed different defensive techniques. When feeling fear, they whistle and jerk their tail to eco rattlesnakes. They may roll themselves into a ball, masking their head in the curls, and play dead, making a foul-smelling musk or walkout.

Mexican Black Kingsnake Diet and Nutrition:

A fit kingsnake eats an excellent diet, so you should provide it meals daily. While the kingsnake is very sturdy, it is still sensitive to infections and parasites. The diet must be a mixture of rat and ground beef. Utilizing a clean bactericide spray will help control the production of these parasites.

Dead or live rodents are also part of the diet of Mexican kingsnakes. Their diet is not diversified but includes birds, lizards, and mice. They can also eat small lizards and different animals, which is a massive advantage. They infrequently bite humans and only interconnect when mating. Sometimes, the sun’s rays can make it difficult to digest its meals, and they may reiterate it. Their wastes and mouths can spoil if kept in extremely warm conditions.


The Mexican black kingsnakes are non-poison colubrid snakes. It is a subspecies of the standard Kobra. This lizard is aboriginal to the Sinaloa and Sonora deserts and is well adjusted to semi-desert stony areas. It can also reside in semi-arid gardens, live mostly in the daytime, and be easily handled.

The excellent home for a Mexican black kingsnake relies on the species’ way of living. It extends three to four feet and does not need a large habitat.


Habits and Lifestyle

A fit Mexican black kingsnake can live almost 20 years. They are mainly active during the daytime, but they can even show nocturnal and crepuscular behavior depending on climate.

Housing Essentials

The most suitable habitat for this species is an equatorial, dry area with middle humidity levels. The water dish should be at an appropriate humidity level and temperature. A full glass tank with a humidity level of about 40% to 60% will be ideal. The best location to increase the humidity level is a humid and open space. Make sure that you hold a bulb guard and thermostat to save the bulbs from overheating.

A huge bowl or outright container is required for your kingsnake. Not solely will your kingsnake demand to bathe in water to wash itself, but it will also require to excrete in it.

However, you should avoid giving your kingsnake with UV rays; this reptile does require an area to bask in the sunrise. A right temperature should be about 88 and 90 degrees F. Mexican black kingsnake can stay at lower temperatures when they have a basking area. The best way to give this is to utilise a ceramic heating pillow or a mercury steam bulb. This will save your kingsnake and make them feel relaxed all year round.


Kingsnakes need a wooden vivarium as their aquarium. Because wood is an ideal insulator of heat, a rigid vivarium will make it more comfortable to control the necessary temperatures needed inside the habitat. 

Other chambers, such as mirror terrariums, are far also efficient at emitting heat. The wooden enclosure should have adequate ventilation to permit air to stream in and out of the terrarium.

The Kingsnake’s enclosure should be a minimum of 860mm (34″) in size. There are 2 major reasons for this; first, kingsnakes are not little reptiles and can readily grow up to 1200mm in measurement. 

They need a proportionate portion of space to live cheerfully. Secondly, the enclosure needs to have an adequate length to permit the creation of a temperature rise. The vivarium needs to be friendly at one end but has sufficient space for the temperature to fall at the cool end.


During the daytime, kingsnakes need a warm basking room. This is attained by using a clear hole bulb at one side of the vivarium. To achieve the demanded basking temperature of about 85°F- 90°F, we utilise one 40w basking ray in a 3ft vivarium.

At nighttime, kingsnakes need a slight reduction in temperature and full darkness. The basking sunlight should be turned off. At night 80oF temperature is produced by using a heat rug. These emit heat but have no light. A good thermoregulator should always control the heat rug. The thermoregulator will spontaneously turn the rug on at nighttime when the temperature in the enclosure falls. Temperatures should be observed daily using a thermoregulator.


Mexican Black Kingsnake Conclusion

Kingsnakes should be put on an arid substrate to avoid humidity production in the vivarium. In contrast, any flexible substrate can be accidentally ingested.

While kingsnakes are not arboreous snakes, they do enjoy ascending on top of braid and things to explore their environment. The vivarium should be adorned with different pieces of wood to help them to do this.

The vivarium of the kingsnake can be adorned with synthetic plants for a more realistic look. A covering spot at each end of the vivarium will help the snake to move easily and thermostat without feeling insecure.

Are mexican black kingsnakes venomous?

Mexican black kingsnakes are not poisonous and are harmless to humans. As they are non-venomous, they handle their prey differently. They use their strong bodies to give a big squeeze, wrapping around their prey until they can’t breathe.

When they feel nervous, they vibrate their tails, release a stinky musk, or even try to bite, but these snakes are not harmful.

Mexican Black Kingsnake Conclusion:

Mexican Black Kingsnakes are great pets as they are dynamic and charming. They are attractive reptiles with jet-black lines and bodies that are correctly sized for easy care.

Make sure you buy a Mexican Black Kingsnake from a reputed breeder to avoid parasite groups and malnourishment.

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