The Pied ball python is a nontoxic python species seen in sub-Saharan Africa, which is the shortest python of the African pythons.
The title “ball python” mentions the animal’s movement to spiral into a ball when scared or terrified. The ball python is a distinctive color shape of the normal ball python.
In this article you will know about the physical appearance, population and conservation status, history and evolution, and interesting facts of the Pied ball python. So keep reading this article to get complete info.
Pied Ball Python Scientific Classification:

Scientific name Python regius
Genus Python
Family Pythonidae
Order Squamata
Class Reptilia
Phylum Chordata
Kingdom Animalia
Pied Ball Python Physical Characteristics:
Python regius is the scientific name of the Pied ball python. Python came out from the Greek term for a vast imaginary serpent killed by Apollo, and Regius means kingly or royalty in Latin.
The pied ball python, known for its unique piebald pattern, and the dotted python by their unique spots and shorter size, are two beautiful snake breeds that captivate reptile lovers worldwide.
This Python is closely connected to the African and Indian rock python of the same genus.
How to Identify Pied ball python?
Most ball pythons are distinguished by dark brown and black skin, with few light brown spots or stripes on the sides and back.
Piebald ball python coloring morphs mainly have this same design but with an extensive white and brown spots of changing size on the whole body.
The head looks like the head of a Standard ball python, generally black or shady brown with lines on both sides, frequently just after the nostrils. The design begins in a ‘Y’ form at the neck. Many piebald ball pythons have ornamented heads, though a few can be primarily white with a little smudge.
The glowing white belly of the ball python is ordinarily free from spots, leaving a soft, shiny row of belly scales, though some may display spots or lines.
Piebald tails can range from being white to full of design. Piebalds display most of the design to the body, reducing towards the backside. They have just been reported to have a totally or near patternless body in rare conditions.
Ball Pythons occasionally show visible ‘paradoxes’ such as uncommonly placed spotting or blotches of colorless scales. Piebald Ball Pythons appear to have offspring that reveal this trait more often than others mutate in what is directed to a ‘ringer,’ where a circle or patch of scales is distinct from what it must be, regarding our current knowledge of their biology.
Some Piebalds may have ‘paradox’ spots, from single scales to clusters.
Pied ball pythons should mostly be fed mice or rats. Like most pythons, they choose live prey. But live prey can be harmful during feeding. It’s also possible they even carry illnesses if they are not bought from a reputed seller.
In the wild, the pied ball python may eat after three weeks. But in confinement, your pied ball python should eat more often.
Where to find Pied ball python?

Like its standard ball python cousins, pied ball pythons are mainly found in central and west African savannas, grasslands, and open forests.
Also, scrublands and even distressed regions like agriculture or the area of human populations may house them. They often stay away from deep jungles and deserts.
History and evolution:
In the 1980s, California Zoological Supply obtained two ball pythons with white blotches patches resembling Piebaldism.
Due to Piebaldism’s recessive gene, some of these python types exist. If parents have the identical gene, it will have a slight chance of occurring. It shows that this would be a defect in the wild.
As a hunter, snakes depend on their power to mix in with their environment and attack their prey stealthily. This is mainly true for more oversized snakes, like ball pythons, that move gradually on land.
Population and conservation status:
The IUCN Red List reported that habitat loss is the most significant cause of the number of ball pythons. However, more data is needed to tell the exact population. The lowest number of members seen of this species across a specific part of its native place.
Pied ball pythons aren’t fussy breeders. During the proper season, the python couple will happily breed.
Females must have a birdhouse similar to a damp hide. Pied ball pythons normally lay 5 to 15 eggs in a single clutch.
After the eggs are laid, they must be incubated for about two months. After that, You can put the eggs in the nest box or remove them and put them in a typical reptile egg incubator.
If you won’t withdraw eggs from the nest, females will vigorously brood. They will cover themselves around the eggs to preserve heat (86 to 88 degrees).
During this period, they won’t ingest anything. Though it may be difficult, abstain from offering meals during this time.
After hatching the eggs, draw them from the chamber and put them in an individual tank. They won’t eat meals for ten days but may eat a pinkie mouse and rat pup afterward.
The average lifespan of the Pied ball pythons is between 20 – 30 years if correctly cared for. By providing proper diet and caring, they are a long-lived partner.
How Dangerous Are They?
They cause a very slight threat to humans. These are non-toxic snakes that use compression to hunt prey. A nibble doesn’t usually cause a painful risk or carry long-term effects, though it can induce pain, node, and redness.
Pied ball pythons have few wild predators; they can hide and depend on their masks if intimidated. Large birds and predatory animals may eat younger pythons.
Pied Ball Python Amazing Facts:

- The pied ball python can reproduce yearly; the ball python’s annual reproductive season generally starts from September to November. Almost 14 eggs will come from the mom’s clutch and stick together through a bond. She will restart to twist around the clutch. When the eggs are prepared to hatch two months later, It seems that the males have no interest in the maturation of the young.
- Ball pythons are mainly terrestrial snakes, although they can float and climb well.
- Piebald ball pythons possess five labial holes on each side of the mouth to feel heat or invisible radiation. This allows them to find meals when it becomes dim.
- While they spend maximum time on the earth, ball pythons are excellent swimmers and climbers.
In conclusion, a Pied ball python can be a wonderful addition to any reptile-keeper’s collection. They are stunning, easy to manage, and have a beautifully obedient temperament.
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